So Many Design Ideas!!!
With so many tattoo designs to choose from how do you choose one? We love it when someone just lets us do our thing. In a perfect world that’s how it would always be, but sometimes that’s not the case. Let’s think about what you want your tattoo to say to you or to the world that encounters you. Maybe you want a star tattoo or a cross tattoo? Maybe a flower tattoo or a skull tattoo? Maybe you want a tattoo sleeve or you want to be the girl with the dragon tattoo and you’re on a budget so size is important as well. After you have thought about what you want and how big you want it, next would be what tattoo style you would like it done in? Do you want a realism tattoo, traditional tattoo, neo-traditional tattoo, pointillism tattoo, watercolor tattoo, geometric tattoo or maybe you’re ready to bring the 90’s back with a tribal tattoo? With so many different styles it can be hard to gain knowledge on all of the different technical terms for them. It’s much easier in today’s world to simply do a Google image or Pinterest search for “heart tattoo” and see what appeals to YOU most. Lots of times we know what we like when we see it, but we may not know why we like it. We just do. If that sounds familiar it’s ok. That’s why; though it may be an insult to some tattoo shops, this tool works rather well and can be useful as a reference for us when pricing your tattoo and scheduling your appointment. We have our own styles we enjoy and love to implement them into our work whenever possible to format our version of your design idea. That helps to keep our designs a little different than the last and helps us to meet or beat your expectations which is key. We want our tattoo parlor to be the extension to your tattoo idea. It’s YOUR tattoo, YOUR experience. If this helped you get ready for a consultation, reach out to any one of us through our links at the bottom of our HOME page and lets get started!